Sunday, April 21, 2013

MAKING - kindle cover - create

I won a kindle at my work party! I wanted to make it a nice pocket for it to live in. This is what I made today.

This picture is more true to the real colors.

The back view of the pocket.

open it up

and the ereader fits right in there.Right now I am reading War of the Worlds, for free!

The next time I make another one, I will step by step document the process. I just completely forgot to do that today. 

The materials for this project are great. The pink loopie trim is from a thrift store in Fargo, the outer fabric is from the Goodwill in Fergus Falls (love), and the gingham and pale green bias tape is from a fabric store in San Francisco. The velcro and sturdy canvas liner are from SR Harris. 

It was nice to make something with all these great materials and still have extras left over.

Monday, April 8, 2013

RECREATING - football patches

I work with some folks who like sports. On sale change day they like to wear jerseys. You can buy patches to dress up your regular old boring jersey to commemorate a big win, a field that was played on, captain status, etc...

It seems like a lot of folks who are into wearing jerseys aren't really into sewing... so what do you do when you buy all these patches and want them on your sports shirts...  you find someone crafty and have them do it.

I don't know anything about this sports stuff so I require drawings and/or pictures showing me where the patches go.

I used to pin the patches and mark the edges of where it would go on the fabric with masking tape. Now I use a semi-permanent adhesive to affix the patch to the fabric. This reduces fabrics chance of bunching up and puckering as you sew the patch on. It also lets you make sure its even and in the right place.

Usually the patch has white stitching around the edges and you can just zigzag over that, or straight stitch around the inner perimeter with white or clear thread. I have a problem with clear thread snapping every few inches so it's a huge pain in the butt.

This patch had green fabric around the edge, so I used some near matching green silk thread and zigzagged around it all.