Wednesday, October 2, 2013

FIXING - jeans rear pocket

A friend tore the back of his pants. Right down the inner side of a back pocket. It was a long tear down the grain. No connective threads at all.

Because this will require visible stitches, I made sure to use matching thread. It is kind of shiney, but its a butt so it will get dirty in no time with sitting and all.

I made one wide zig zag down the length of the tear (mainly joining both sides together).

I picked some material to reinforce the back holding the sides together. I used a soft thinish wool fleece scrap, soft side facing in.  (it is really important to think about what kind of material you use to do mending on jeans. Does it stretch a little but not too much? is it scratchy? will it fray? etc...)

Make sure that the mending scrap is at least 1/2 to 1 inch wider than the area to be mended (in all directions).

Place the material under your area to be mended. Pin that s in place.

I went in zig zags up and down the tear and then two on each side.

Here is how the mending material looked inside. This is why it is nice to cut it extra large.

Trim the mending material and stray threads. I realize that my tension was off for some of the stitches, but it should be fine.

Here they are done.

I did not realize how drastically different flash and no flash would be for the color/white balance. Let me learn that lesson for you. If taking pictures inside, choose one or the other unless you are using bright natural light for the unflashed (and maybe even then too...).